Yakima’s salute to local hero: Staff Sgt. Pendleton Day on October 12


YAKIMA, Wash. – The city and county of Yakima both proclaimed October 12 as Staff Sergeant Jack Pendleton Day, remembering the World War II soldier who gave his life in battle.

Born in Sentential Butte, North Dakota, the Pendletons moved to Yakima. When Jack enrolled in the Army, his journey began in downtown Yakima. He got on the train at the old station, on the street now named Staff Sergeant Pendleton Way.

“That’s where he got on the train to leave for the army,” said VFW Post 379 Commander Tim Gatton.

Pendleton’s bravery during battle in Bardenburg, Germany, 80 years ago on October 12, 1944, was remembered and celebrated. Pendleton was hit by enemy fire and later died from his injuries. In recognition of his valor, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, becoming the only person from Yakima to receive that distinction.

Gatton said, “Him taking that action and drawing the fire to himself allowed the rest of the members of his squad and the rest of his platoon to assault undetected on that machine gun and take that out and take out the next one and move through the town. So, his actions saved a lot of lives.”

Pendleton’s heroic efforts were marked by President Franklin D. Roosevelt handing the Medal of Honor to his mother, Dora, becoming the first and only recipient from Yakima.

Later, Dora made history herself, receiving the first Gold Star button in Washington. A Gold Star family is defined as one that has lost a family member in the war.

Gatton says Yakima city staff and county officials helped make the day of remembrance happen quickly, with only a two-week notice. In the future, the VFW hopes to continue using October 12 as a day to honor Pendleton.

The local VFW noted that there are two other Medal of Honor recipients in the region, one from Kittitas County and another from Wapato. They are actively exploring further ways to acknowledge their contributions.

In recognizing Staff Sergeant Pendleton, Yakima pays tribute to the true essence of heroism displayed during his service.

This commemorative day serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of those who have sacrificed for their community and country.


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