Yakima releases updated information on potential annexation near PNWU campus


YAKIMA, Wash.-The City of Yakima has released updated annexation information ahead of City Council considering the issue at its meeting on Sept. 17.

The updated information on the potential annexation near the Pacific University of Health Sciences Campus is posted on the front page of the city’s website and includes a map of the annexation area that is smaller than previously anticipated, according to the city.

“The new map does not include the Sun Country Estates mobile home park or most of the area south of Sportsman Park,” said Community & Public Affairs Director Randy Beehler. “The new map, which focuses on the PNWU campus and commercial areas, was created based on concerns raised by community members.”

The Yakima City Council will decide whether to allow the annexation proposed by property owners in the area to move on to the next step or not.

According to a press release from the city, if the council decides to allow the annexation proposal to proceed then owners of 60 percent of the assessed value of property within the potential annexation area would need to sign petitions asking to be annexed by the City.

If the threshold isn’t met the annexation process would end, however, if it is met city council would hold hearings on the annexation before approving or rejecting it, according to the city.

The Yakima County Boundary Review Board would consider the annexation if approved by the City Council.


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