Yakima County gets federal funding to reduce flooding, aid salmon recovery in Cowiche Creek


WASHINGTON, D.C.-Projects to reduce flooding and recover salmon in Yakima County are getting $10.9 million in federal grant funding.

Sen. Maria Cantwell announced that Yakima County will receive $9,976,792 to implement Phase I of the Cowiche Creek Confluence Project on Sept. 25.

The project will address recurring flooding of Cowiche Creek, improve fish passage and habitat, and maintain water delivery by constructing a new irrigation pipeline, removing obsolete irrigation structures, and restoring adjacent floodplains and riparian areas along Cowiche Creek, according to a press release announcing the funding.

“Restored floodplains can provide rich fish habitat and protect homes, community infrastructure, and farms from flooding,” said Sen. Cantwell.

According to a press release from Sen. Cantwell’s Office, Yakima County will also receive $1,002,149 for Phase II of the Cowiche Creek Confluence Project to complete the study and design on additional floodplain restoration and salmon habitat projects along Cowiche Creek and at the confluence of Cowiche Creek and Naches River.

“These federal funds will enable Yakima County to restore the Cowiche Creek floodplains, helping to reduce flooding, clearing the way for salmon to pass, and improving water delivery to Yakima residents,” said Sen. Cantwell. “This funding will also help Chelan County restore a floodplain in the lower Chiwawa River that will revive once-thriving salmon habitat in the Wenatchee Basin.”


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