Yakima City Council to discuss lifting fireworks ban for Fourth of July


YAKIMA, Wash. – In a meeting on Tue., June 18, the Yakima City Council passed a motion in a 5-2 vote to discuss lifting the city’s fireworks ban for one day to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Assistant Mayor Matt Brown made the motion which was seconded by Councilmember Reedy Berg.

“I think when we look at what is currently enforced, I think people are already shooting off fireworks all around town,” said Brown. “And it’s a mechanism that I’m not entirely sure is even worth the fight, to be honest.”

The current ban is stated in Section 10.15.015 of the Yakima Municipal Code which says that “it is unlawful for any person to store, offer for sale, expose for sale, use, possess, fire or discharge any fireworks.” The ban was initially passed by special election in 1992.

In the next meeting on July 2, the potential change to the ban will be discussed. Public comment will be taken at the meeting.


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