Women Helping Women Luncheon set for Oct. 10 in Pasco


PASCO, Wash.-The Annual Women Helping Women Fund Tri-Cities Luncheon is Oct. 10 from noon to 1:15 p.m. at the HAPO Center.

The Women Helping Women Fund Tri-Cities works to empower women and children to create healthy families and vibrant communities in Benton and Franklin Counties.

The annual luncheon is the WHWFTC’s biggest fundraiser and all the money raised through the luncheon will be dispersed to local nonprofit organizations through grants, according to the WHWFTC’s website.

Registration for the luncheon are available online.

Theresa Flores, a motivational speaker, trainer and consultant is the keynote speaker for the 2024 luncheon.

Flores is a survivor and now works as a social worker who educates on human trafficking in the U.S. and how people can survive and thrive.


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