Why smoking makes you more likely to eat junk


By Stephen Beech via SWNS

Smokers eat less and have a poor-quality diet compared to those who don’t, according to new research.

They are more likely to tuck into fried food, add salt, and add sugar to meals than non-smokers, reveals the study.

The findings of the research involving more than 80,000 British adults could help explain why smokers tend to gain weight when they stub out the habit, say scientists.

Previous research has shown that people who smoke usually have a lower body weight and body mass index (BMI) than their non-smoking counterparts while stopping smoking is associated with piling on the pounds,

Evidence also indicates that smokers may use the habit to control their appetite and weight.

Research suggests that nicotine in tobacco smoking may suppress appetite and influence subsequent eating habits.

Researchers from Loughborough University and the University of Leicester analyzed associations between smoking and eating and dietary habits.

The study included data from 83,000 adults collected during health assessment programs between 2004 and 2022 by the charity Nuffield Health.

Participants were divided into two groups: smokers and non-smokers.

They completed questionnaires about their usual eating habits. BMI was also measured during the health assessments.

Smokers were twice as likely to skip meals, and 50 percent more likely to go more than three hours without food compared to non-smokers, according to the findings.

They were also more likely to have fewer meals per day and find it hard to leave something on their plate.

Smokers were also 35 percent less likely to snack between meals and were less likely to eat food as a reward or out of boredom than non-smokers.

Compared to non-smokers, smokers were also eight percent to 13 percent less likely to eat sweet foods between meals and for dessert, but were eight percent more likely to eat fried food 70 percent more likely to add salt, and 36% more likely to add sugar, to meals.

The research team said the most consistent observation was that the relationships were stronger in older people.

The relationship between smoking and a higher likelihood of adding salt and sugar to meals was also stronger in men compared to women, suggesting that male smokers may be particularly susceptible to less healthy dietary habits.

Chief investigator Dr. Scott Willis, of Loughborough University, said: “The worry of gaining weight is a common reason for smokers not attempting to quit or being unsuccessful in their attempts to quit smoking.

“Our findings indicate that smoking is associated with eating behavior patterns consistent with reduced food intake and worse diet quality, characterized by frequent intake of fried food and adding salt and sugar to meals. This could help explain the weight gain commonly observed when people stop smoking.”

Lead author Arwa Alruwaili, a doctoral researcher at Loughborough University, said: “These findings reinforce the importance of providing nutritional and weight management support in the large-scale efforts to prevent and reduce smoking in the general UK population.”

He added: “This could help to promote more successful quit attempts, and to improve people’s eating habits and the many diseases that are related to both of these major health risks.”

The findings are due to be presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Venice, Italy.


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