West Richland Police get $36,000 grant to fight motor vehicle theft


WEST RICHLAND, Wash. – The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA) granted the West Richland Police Department with $36,481.61 to fight and prevent motor vehicle thefts and other related crimes.

The funding was approved by the Washington Legislature out of the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Account which establishes, maintains and supports programs that prevent car thefts.

Over $2.7 million was provided to 41 police and sheriff’s departments across the state.

“These funds will ultimately help victims of auto theft,” said Chief Thomas Grego. “It means our department can devote additional resources to drive down auto theft in our community.”

WRPD says there were over 40,000 auto thefts in 2023, however work from law enforcement officials and support from legislative funds has slowly caused the number of thefts to trend downward in 2024.

“West Richland Police Department is doing a great job combatting auto thefts,” said Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Executive Director Steven Strahan. “The grant funds will help them do even more to prevent these crimes as well as educate the public on how to prevent them.”

The funding from WATPA supports auto theft task forces, funds training for officers and detectives that work on auto theft cases and provides contemporary equipment that improves the safety of communities.


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