OLYMPIA, Wash.-According to a State Scorecard compiled by AARP Washington ranks second in the nation for the support it provides for older residents, people with disabilities and caregivers.
AARP compiles the Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard every three years. The scorecard focuses on how the Department of Social and Health Services performs in more than two dozen support categories.
“This ranking is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of DSHS staff, providers and family caregivers across the state of Washington,” said DSHS Secretary Jilma Meneses.
The scorecard ranks states in areas of affordability, accessibility, patient choice, quality and safety for consumers, as well as support for caregivers according to AARP, with Washington ranking high due to its innovative services and programs.
DSHS Aging and Long-Term support programs that allow people to remain at home while receiving care:
Self-directed program enrollment through Medicaid waivers: allowing clients and families greater choice in directing care in their own homes.Medicaid LTSS balanced spending: which allows Washingtonians to receive care at home, rather than in a nursing home setting.Family caregiver support program: provides information, counseling, respite care and other resources to unpaid family caregivers.
“We are committed to providing a range of services and supports that meet people’s needs and give them choices,” says Bea Rector, Assistant Secretary for the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration.