Wash. lawmakers propose bill to create safer work environments for adult entertainers


Right now, Washington State lawmakers are working to pass a bill that would create safer work environments for adult entertainers. House Bill 1756 is asking that dancers receive training and education on their rights, how to report workplace injuries, including sexual abuse or harassment, the risk of human trafficking, and that workers be provided resources for assistance.

Arianna has danced at clubs across the country, including Seattle. She told advocates at Working Washington that the physical abuse needs to stop.

“Currently, there are some clubs in Seattle where certain customers that come are known to be physically abusive, and management knows and allows it. Rape and abuse at the workplace are unacceptable. Period. Customers that break consent boundaries or are violent at the club must be blacklisted from all clubs, because the current situation is basically clubs here condoning workplace assault,” she said.

The bill is also asking that dancers receive a panic button, at no cost to the entertainer, for emergencies. HB 1756 says that customer violence must be recorded, and the establishment make every effort to obtain the name of the person accused, and that they not be allowed to reenter for at least three years after the incident.

Lawmakers are also saying there needs to be an advisory committee that can assist with these new rules and training requirements. The house bill passed 95 to 3 Tuesday, and Representative Tina Orwall said it will be introduced to the Senate within the next few weeks.

KHQ’s Stephanie Stevenson is working to find a dancer to speak out about why they feel this bill is important.

If you know know someone, or want to speak out about this yourself, please email stephanie.stevenson@khq.com