Walla Walla nonprofit working to open children’s oncology ward in Philippines


WALLA WALLA, Wash.-A nonprofit dedicated to serving children has partnered with Mary Johnston Hospital to start an oncological ward for children.

Adonai’s Mercy House, a nonprofit that serves vulnerable children is partnering with Mary Johnston Hospital on the new oncological ward within the hospital in the Philippines.

The new oncological unit will provide a safe and specialized environment for children battling cancer and will provide access to the best possible medical treatments and emotional support, backed by a team of experienced medical professionals and caregivers, according to a Adonai’s press release.

Adonai’s Mercy House is now calling on the community for further support to help make the oncological ward a reality.

According to Adonai’s press release, individuals, organizations and businesses are encouraged to donate towards new medical equipment, medications, essential supplies and to establish various patient care programs.


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