Walla Walla County Physician’s Assistant surrenders license after failing to meet standards of care


OLYMPIA, Wash.-A Walla Walla County Physician’s Assistant has surrendered his license after failing to meet standards of care in the treatment of multiple patients.

According to the Washington Medical Commission, Richard Oliver voluntarily surrendered his license to practice medicine in Washington in July after findings that he failed to properly evaluate and treat potentially life-threatening illnesses, didn’t completely assess chronic medical illnesses and didn’t properly document prescribing practices.

Oliver had been licensed as a Physician’s Assistant since March 13, 2012 and was employed with the Department of Corrections.

According to Washington Medical Commission documents, Oliver failed to meet standards of care while treating eight patients between 2019 and 2021, including not properly documenting skin lesions, performing biopsies or a pulmonary exams.


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