Walla Walla Community College joins partnership to help students transition from high school to college


WALLA WALLA, Wash.-Walla Walla Community College and its educational allies have been selected as one of 25 regional partnerships to receive funding to help students transition from high school to college.

WWCC, College Place Public Schools, Walla Walla Public Schools and Elevate joined Limitless, a postsecondary enrollment learning network with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“It’s exciting to be able to collaborate with representatives from the Walla Walla and College Place school districts and our community nonprofits to improve our service to our students,” said Director of Outreach Melissa Rodriguez, WWCC’s representative in the partnership.

According to a WWCC press release, the Limitless Learning Network will bring together K-12 and higher education partners across Washington state over the next four years to explore new ideas and create opportunities to help more students successfully transition from high school to college.

The Limitless Learning Network will focus on better understanding barriers to higher education, such as the cost of education and the lack of career and technical education advising.

After identifying the barriers to college, Limitless plans to address them through in-person meetings and virtual learning sessions, according to WWCC, ultimately using the partnership to explore approaches like high-quality advising, FAFSA/WASFA completion and dual enrollment programs like Running Start.

“Sharing insights and expertise with our peers across the state is a unique opportunity for us all to grow together,” said Rodriguez.


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