Vietnam Veterans welcomed home by Yakama Warriors


YAKIMA, Wash.-It’s been 51 years since the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam and the military returned home. When they returned home, they didn’t receive a hero’s welcome.

Multiple veterans say they were spat on and ridiculed upon arriving back in the States.

Since 2013, veterans from the Vietnam War are welcomed home every March 30.

“This March 30 is a special day of recognition and acceptance for all of us, because we weren’t accepted when we came home,” says Yakama Warrior Association Commander Vic Wood.

The Yakama Warriors were part of the ceremony that hosted 2024’s “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day” at Sarg Hubbard Park.

In front of the park’s Vietnam and Korean War memorial, the Warriors performed full military honors to remember those who served.

Yakima Mayor Patricia Byers spoke at the event, proclaiming March 30 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day within the city.

“Please hear it from me personally,” says Mayor Byers. “If you were not welcomed home, well offered my sincerest apology and just want to honor you and thank you all for being here today.”

The veterans mingled with each other and reminisced over their service, while remembering the members still fighting and those who never made it back.

“Remember our loved ones that have crossed over because of Vietnam,” says Yakama Warrior Loren Corpuz. “There’s many men that are still suffering, many men and women still serving in our country, and we lose many each day.”

Director of the Yakima Veteran’s Center Jacky Cox says she works with Vietnam veterans every day and took the opportunity to say the words most veterans have waited 51 years to hear.

“To every Vietnam veteran present today, I say to you what should have been said when you got home,” said Cox. “Thank you for your service. Your life is so valuable. I’m glad you made it home. Welcome home.”


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