KENNEWICK, Wash. – A local couple decided to open a new business in the Tri-Cities. The Bubbly Boba will not only sell boba tea, but they are also taking this as an opportunity to help the youth around the area.
Brandon Fisher and Amanda LaFollette opened The Bubbly Boba a few days ago. They’ve seen many businesses come and go but according to Fisher is the first of its kind in our area.
“If they could come somewhere where they feel comfortable and happy, I want to do what I can to provide,” said Fisher, co-owner of The Bubbly Boba.
Originally LaFollette wanted to open a coffee shop but Fisher and she talked and decided there were already a good amount of coffee shops and instead decided on boba tea.
The shop is located in the Marine Land Plaza in Kennewick and serves a variety of different drinks, snacks and of course boba tea.
However LaFollette tells me at the end of the day, their place is aimed to be a space for children in the area.
“I just wanted someplace for the kids around here to feel like if they’re not able to get to a Boys and Girls Club or if they have somewhere else where they feel safe for a couple of hours,” said LaFollette. “They are comfortable for a couple of hours.”
Fisher tells me about 3 years ago he and LaFollette attended an event at the Yakima Sundome. One of the booths there was for foster parenting. He says he always wanted to give back.
He eventually fostered a child, and although it was hard for him at first, he adopted the child in September of last year.
The whole idea for this place and its existence is because of his son.
“I know kids have a lot of hard issues, especially in foster care,” said Fisher.
LaFollette tells me they just want to give those kids a little bit of peace.
Fisher says he is planning on also adding a floating desk for high school students to come in and work on their homework.
The business will have its grand opening in June.
They are open right now but are focusing on how to improve their product by asking customers to come in and try what they have and provide them feedback on what they would want.