Trump’s visit to Bozeman draws vendors and excites supporters


BOZEMAN, Mont. – Former President Trump is visiting Montana, and his supporters are excited. All around Bozeman, vendors are selling flags, T-shirts, hats, and more featuring Trump’s image and quotes.

NonStop Local spoke with two people about their reasons for being there. Bobby Jones traveled from North Carolina, as followed former President Trump across the country.

“You set up this truck with all of this stuff and people just start coming by – what is it like for you setting this up across the country?” John Martin asked Jones.

“Being across the country I mean, it’s pretty fun. You love the excitement for Donald Trump. I mean, the people here are amazing, I mean, traveling and getting to support Trump all over the world- being all the way from North Carolina – is real exciting,” said Jones.

A local vendor spoke next about his experience selling in Bozeman just before Trump’s visit.

Martin asked, “You are a local guy, and you are out here selling the day before the 45th president of the United States comes to Bozeman – What have you seen? What have you heard from people either driving by or stopping to shop?”

He replied, “Well, it’s pretty… people either like it or they don’t. And the people who don’t like it are the ones who are the most vocal with their yelling and screaming and their fingers and all that type of stuff.”

John Martin took a tour of the items Jones had on sale. “We’re walking down here. You got the flags, you got… I mean, there’s some funny stuff, there’s some meaningful stuff – a lot of the “Free Trump”, “We’re voting for the convicted”…. I mean, it’s very kind of tongue in cheek as well – And people understand that,” said Martin.

Martin asked Jones what draws him to these events for Trump.

“The reason I love him is because he’s real. He speaks the truth. He’s there for America and the people,” said Jones.

The local vendor had a vibrant and patriotic trailer on display with signatures on it from other supporters who he had met around the United States.

“The trailer that we have over there – I went with the people’s convoy back to Washington DC and that trailer has been across the country, down to Florida, back up. We’re having people come out and sign it again. It’s kind of a rolling petition,” he said.

Martin asked, “What is your hope for having all those signatures on there? What do you want to try to showcase?”

“You know, that people who are on the conservative side of the equation – That you’re not nuts. That you’re not alone. That it’s ok to be that,” responded the vendor.

The local vendor shared his hopes for Friday’s rally.

“All I ask is when people vote, I don’t care who you vote for, but don’t vote because you don’t like somebody. You know, if you have to hold your nose to vote either way, then I guess, hold your nose,” he concluded.


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