Triple-digit temperatures can mean danger for pets


KENNEWICK, Wash. – Triple-digit temperatures are expected to hit the Tri-Cities area starting Friday, prompting many to find ways to beat the heat.

However, make sure that you’re thinking of your four-legged friends at home as they’re going to be just as hot as you, maybe even hotter.

According to PETA, in 2023, 163 household animals deaths were reported due to heat-related causes. On top of this, nearly 860 companion pets were rescued from severe heat for the year.

Dr. Sheila Erickson, owner and medical director at the Horse Heaven Hills Pet Urgent Care, offered her advice for first-time pet owners.

“Take them out early in the morning and late at night when it’s nice and cool,” said Dr. Erickson. “If they have to be outside, make sure they have access to shade and water.”

Dr. Erickson also reminds us that some dog breeds, like Frenchie’s and Pugs, need extra care due to their unique facial structure.

As a reminder, here are a few things to take note of this week:

NEVER leave your pet inside a car when temperatures outside are too hot. Limit your pet’s exercise time outside.Keep an eye on your pet for signs of heatstroke. Heavy panting and excessive drooling are common symptoms.Call a vet if you are concerned there is something wrong with your pet. Your local clinic is there to help you!

Remember, while you’re out beating the heat this week, make sure that your companion is beating it too.


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