Transfer of Klickitat Hatchery to Yakama Nation is now a done deal


YAKAMA RESERVATION, Wash. – Transfer of the Klickitat Hatchery property from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation has been completed, according to a press release by the Yakima Nation.

Since 2006, the Klickitat Hatchery Facility has been led and maintained by the Yakama Nation under the Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Program.

The hatchery invests in restoration and protection projects for three species of salmon.

“The Yakama Nation and all of us are very proud that our leadership and our ability to do this work for the salmon, for our people. This culminates in us taking back this place on the Reservation that was not ours for an extended period,” said Phil Rigdon, Yakama Nation Department of Natural Resources Superintendent.

Projects planned in the partnership between the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Yakama Nation include the following:

Indian Ford A Spring Intake and Pipeline

Surface Water Pump Station

Distribution Box


Adult Holding and Spawning Facilities

Circular Raceways

“With our ownership and past agreements with WDFW, this project goes back to a long time ago when ‘Mel Sampsons’ and our leaders who dedicated their lives to restoring our fish that led us to this accomplishment. It’s something that is just beautiful to see and coming to these milestones that we’re reaching,” Rigdon said.

More information on the partnered project can be found at BPA’s website.


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