Think water safety during power outages


YAKIMA COUNTY, Wash.-With increased demand on the electrical grid during the hot summer months and power stations and lines being threatened by wildfires, it’s important to know how to keep your water supply safe in the event of a power outage.

The Yakima Health District encourages all municipal water customers to make sure they have up-to-date emergency contact information on hand in case of an outage.

If you get your drinking water from a well a power outage could cause decreased water pressure, which could cause contamination.

According to the YHD, well owners should learn how to disinfect their water source to prevent contamination.

Tips for disinfecting a well from YHD:

Turn off power, inspect well for damage and switch off treatment systems.Clear the water by starting the pump and running water from the nearest outside faucet until it is clear.Pour chlorine mixture: Mix one cup of bleach with 3-5 gallons of water.Mix chlorinated water: Attach garden hose to outdoor faucet and put the other end in your well and rinse inside of well casing for 5-10 minutes.Flush the chlorinated water: Run all faucets in home until you smell chlorine. After 12 hours use a hose to drain chlorinated water and run all faucets until the chlorine odor disappears.Test well water: Test your water for coliform bacteria 7-10 days after disinfection.

Anyone with questions about protecting water during a power outage or disinfecting a well can contact YHD at 509-249-6508.


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