‘The Wall That Heals’ monument to visit Butte in summer 2024


BUTTE, Mont. — It’s well-known that the Mining City is not just “Butte, Montana,” but also proudly wears the moniker of “Butte, America.”

Perhaps it’s for that reason that Butte was chosen as one of just 22 cities in 2024 to host ‘The Wall That Heals.’

A three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., the Wall That Heals is just like the original in that it displays the names of 58,270 Americans killed or missing in Vietnam War combat.

Of those names, 266 hail from Montana, and 22 come from Butte.

As U.S. Marine Michael Tapken, who helped organize the Wall’s appearance in Butte this year, says, the Mining City will be the only stop for the Wall in the Northwestern United States in 2024.

“I know that there’s folks in Denver, Colorado, who have already made hotel reservations to be here,” Tapken said.

“It’s because of the dedication, the emotion, and the support, not only from myself but from the entire community,” Tapken continued. “That’s why Butte was chosen.”

When the Wall That Heals makes its appearance at Father Sheehan Park in Butte between Wednesday, Aug. 28 and Sunday, Sept. 1, visitors will be welcome to tour its mobile education center and participate in various ceremonies.

But most importantly, the Wall will be a hometown healing opportunity for Butte’s veterans and gold star families, still dealing with the pain of their loss.

“I was visiting with a motorcycle club up in Helena… this man looked up at me and said, ‘My brother’s on that wall, and you’re brining my brother home to me,'” Tapken said. “That’s what it means to me.”

“This has already touched so many lives, and hopefully someone can have some closure,” Tapken continued.

You can learn more about the Wall That Heals at the VVMF website.


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