RICHLAND, Wash. -The Port of Benton and the U.S. Submarines Veterans Inc. partnered up to honor those who served our country.
The Port of Benton had a recognition ceremony honoring the original USS Triton crew members and other submariners.
Christy Rasmussen, the commissioner for the Port of Benton position two told me this is an event that will stay with them a long time. The ceremony was equally important for her too.
“My great-grandfather, my grandfather and my uncles all served in the military,” Rasmussen said. “Seeing these veterans here today and seeing their connections with their brotherhood of being in the military and serving together in the hardest of times, away from their families, is very touching to me.”
The ceremony kicked off with the presentation of the colors and the national anthem, followed by a tolling of the boats for those who’ve fallen at sea.
Captain James Carey, the keynote speaker spoke to the crowd about his experiences serving on the Triton. Carey told the crowd this was the first ship he served on.
According to the Port of Benton the USS Triton was one of the first nuclear-powered submarines that was ever built.
Fred Borgmann also served on the Triton and was on hand for the ceremony. Borgmann says he served over two years on the Triton, before that he was on a diesel-powered sub. Borgmann says the biggest difference between the two subs, was comfort.
“The bunks were spacier,” said Borgmann. “The mess hall was bigger and I got my own bunk when I was on the Triton.”
Borgmann says his time on the sub was the best assignment he ever had. He says the longest he spent in the sub was 86 days. He didn’t mind the time until the tour was almost done.
“You don’t get restless until the last week,” said he says. “Then they call it channel fever.”
Rasmussen said she couldn’t have asked for a better turnout.
“I think it’s very important for our veterans to understand the care and value we give to our veterans,” said Rasmussen.
After the ceremony, tours were given of the sub’s sail. Rasmussen told me if you want a tour of your own, just call the Port of Benton or go down to the Richland Library and sign up for a tour.