The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership needs volunteers


KENNEWICK, Wash. – The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership has a volunteer program to help with everything from events to upkeep downtown. The Partnership is a nonprofit organization that aims to make downtown Kennewick a great place to live, work, and play.

Stephanie Button, the Executive Director of the Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership, tells me it has a staff of two people and a volunteer board. She says one of their goals is to make downtown look beautiful.

Since it’s summer, one of the volunteer opportunities will get you out and help you enjoy the summer mornings.

“We actually have a three-day-a-week volunteer opportunity with our flower baskets,” said Button. “So, beautification is an important part of making downtown a great place to be. Those baskets need to be watered.”

Button says they have a 40-gallon water bucket called “Frank the Tank.” Don’t worry; you won’t have to carry it. The bucket is on a two-person wagon job; thirteen baskets need water. Button tells me it will only take an hour to water all the baskets, and sometimes she even helps. She encourages people to water in the morning before it gets hot.

The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership comprises two staff members with a volunteer board, and they are asking for help.

According to Button, it’s a nonprofit organization that helps with economic development, revitalization, and historic preservation.

The historic downtown Kennewick partnership encourages economic opportunities by helping entrepreneurs obtain business licenses and working alongside small businesses to ensure their success.

They also put on events for the community. Button said they are coming up on their busy season.

“The work we do is driven by volunteers,” she said. “Whether it’s on a committee helping organize our events. Our recent car show, Classy Chasse, which was on June 1st, broke all of our records with record attendance and record participation. Really, it was the help of some of our volunteers.”

They are looking for volunteers to help water flower baskets and crowd control for significant events, especially the upcoming Benton Franklin fair and rodeo parade, as well as picking up garbage after the parade.

You can volunteer if you are 16 or older. If you are under 18, you must have an adult with you. Volunteers also need to be able to lift 50 pounds or more. Button says you can register on their website.


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