In the decades before the pandemic, Terry Ryan traveled often, offering workshops on animal training to eager audiences around the world. When international travel became impossible, Terry had to stay put. But it did not take her long to figure out another way to reach students—virtually, if not in person.

When I met Terry Ryan, she was an American Kennel Club obedience judge living in Pullman, Washington, where she was program coordinator for the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University—programs involved with the study of the human-animal bond and implementation of animal-assisted therapy. Terry was one of the original members of the Delta Society, now called Pet Partners, an international resource on the human-animal bond.

Terry taught dog-training classes at that time in Pullman and in neighboring Moscow, Idaho. I was lucky enough, as a novice instructor myself, to audit those weekly classes. When Terry offered her first dog-training camps at the county fairgrounds in that area, I was an enthusiastic participant. When chicken training was later offered, I was excited to attend. My first trainee: Gregory Peck.

Terry has conducted chicken-training camps nationally and internationally since 1993, helping animal trainers from all disciplines to sharpen their skills. These camps have extended to corporate team-building events and continuing education courses for private and public school teachers. When the pandemic put plans for future camps on hold, Terry was stuck at home in Sequim, Washington.

I asked Terry how the idea of “virtual” chicken training classes became reality.

Terry answered, “A friend and former chicken-camp student in Ohio got chicks this spring and posted cute pix on social media of her kids and the chicks. We started talking about me working with the kids. Other friends saw that and, before I knew it, we had eight kids. I crossed my fingers that I could make Zoom work.”

I followed up for more specifics: “You’ve already done one session for young people, and in November, you’ll do another session for adults?”

Terry replied, “The one to keep kids busy, yes, and we’re now halfway through another one. People from five different countries.”

Registration is still open at this time for the November session.

Terry Ryan’s Virtual Chicken Camp

Virtual Chicken Camp
“Terry Ryan has gone virtual while we navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic. Kitsap Animal Rescue & Education (KARE) is proud to partner with Terry for this upcoming Virtual Chicken Camp! The virtual chicken camp is one hour every week for eight weeks, with lots of guided homework between classes. No experience is necessary. Terry will help working participants select and condition a hen from their own flock to be their training partner.”

Photo provided by Terry Ryan

Here’s how Terry describes the goal of the course and what training a chicken involves:

The goal for this course is to help you be a better trainer. Our end goal is not the cool behaviors the chicken will learn. It’s about developing your training skills. The course will do a deep dive into the intricacies of classical and operant conditioning, mechanical skills, and respect for animals. Major dog-training organizations award CEUs [continuing education units] for this course.

The well-being of our chicken training partners is of the utmost importance. The chickens have not signed up for this! I want to be sure you are choosing a chicken from your flock that wants to work with you. Please select a hen. Roosters have their own agenda. Any chicken can be trained, given enough time and appropriate reinforcement. Since we have very limited time on the course, please partner with a chicken that is emotionally ready to train. The lessons will switch between PowerPoint lecture/demo, people-only exercises, and hands-on with your chicken.”

Why should dog trainers train chickens?

Trainers do not already have bad (or good!) chicken-training habits because they’ve never trained a chicken before, and thus avoid the baggage often taken to dog-training workshops. Training a chicken is a stretch and a boost to your mechanical skills. The average chicken is faster than the average dog, giving you a chance to improve your coordination and timing. Chickens will freeze or fly away if they don’t like the way you are training them. Unlike with dogs, you will know immediately if you are taking advantage of a chicken or pushing too hard, too fast. Chickens don’t give their trainers a second chance as often as our dogs do. You will not be showing your chickens at the next performance event, nor will you be taking them home, so there is no pressure on what will happen in the future. You probably do not have a library full of chicken training books and DVDs to influence you, much less television shows on chicken training.”

Here are several news reports on a chicken-training workshop that was held in Canada:



Terry Ryan’s Legacy Canine Behavior & Training:

Terry Ryan’s Legacy Chicken Workshops:

Next week, animal professionals—especially dog trainers—answer these questions: “Have you attended a chicken training camp? What did you learn there about training?”


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