Sunnyside RNG project secures more grants


SUNNYSIDE, Wash.-The Sunnyside Renewable Natural Gas Project has secured over $5 million in federal grant funding.

Pacific Ag Renewables, the owner and operator of the project, secured a $500,000 grant from the Department of Commerce for clean energy enhancements in September and the Port of Sunnyside received another $416,000 to conduct a field survey to move the project forward.

According to the Port of Sunnyside, the project has now secured over $10 million overall in state grants and loans.

“We are very encouraged by the interest and awarded grants from the State,” said Jay Hester, Executive Director of the Port of Sunnyside.

Pacific Ag Renewables purchased nearly 50 acres from the Port of Sunnyside this April and is ready to proceed with the project and the Port has designed and engineered plans to start a large infrastructure project in the spring, constructing and improving roadways, placing above- and below-ground utilities and building pipeline extensions.

“Sunnyside RNG project will be an essential part of the community, reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and improving the overall environment,” said Bill Levy, Chief Executive Officer at Pacific Ag Renewables.

The Sunnyside RNG project will divert dairy manure from the lagoons of 15-20 medium to small dairies and crop waste from the surrounding area, recycling the materials to produce renewable natural gas and soil products according to a Port press release.

The manure and crop waste is expected to replace fossil-based diesel fuel with renewable natural gas.

“We’re extremely excited to see the support this project has received from all levels of the government and community,” said Levy.


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