State Superintendent issues guidance on student cell phone use


OLYMPIA, Wash.-Schools across the state and country are updating their student cell phone use policies for the new school year and Washington State’s Superintendent is offering guidance.

A brief issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction on Aug. 28 encourages school leaders and administrators to work with their communities to create a plan that works best for their local context by the 2025-26 school year.

“Reducing the use of cell phones in class improves concentration and learning, improves mental and physical health, and reduces pressures caused by social media,” said State Superintendent Chris Reykdal in the guidance document.

According to OSPI, the guidance encourages schools to adopt a uniform cell phone use policy with consistent expectations for both students and staff, rather than relying on individual staff members to implement a policy.

School policy must not prohibit students with disabilities from using electronic devices to support their individual learning and districts can consider exemptions when devices are used as part of a lesson plan, according to OSPI.

“Our challenge to school leaders to revise their cell phone policies is part of a broader strategy to support our students’ mental health and prepare them for success in our digital world,” Reykdal said.


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