State Fire Marshal’s Office offers fire safety reminders for older adults


OLYMPIA, Wash.-When it comes to fire safety we often remember small children and pets, however, the Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office is reminding residents of the dangers fire can present for older individuals as well.

People over 60 accounted for 36 percent of the reported fire deaths in Washington State in 2023, according to the Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office.

From trips and falls to disorientation several factors can make fires deadly for older individuals, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, those over age 65 are 2.6 times more likely to die in a fire than the general population.

Fire safety reminders for older adults from the Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office.

Install smoke alarms on every level of the home, including in bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.Install carbon monoxide detectors near sleeping areas.Install smoke alarms with strobe lights or bed shakers if you are hearing or visually impaired.Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms monthly.Create an escape plan with at least two routes of exit.Keep exit paths clear of clutter or obstructions.If you use a walker or wheelchair check exits in your home to make sure you can quickly get out.Stay in the kitchen while cooking and set timers to remind you when things are done cooking.If you smoke, do so outside and make sure all cigarette butts are fully extinguished.


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