Scam targeting grieving families in Benton County


BENTON COUNTY, Wash.- Benton County Fire District #1 is warning residents of a scam targeting families that have recently experienced the death of a loved one.

Scammers are reportedly checking obituaries for names of people that have recently died and then tracking down living family members and presenting themselves as funeral homes on the phone.

According to the Washington State Funeral Directors Association (WSFDA) the scammers are telling grieving family members that they owe money for burial and funeral services.

The scammers are spoofing the caller ID’s of legitimate funeral homes to fool people and are able to use specific information and names found in obituaries to seem legitimate according to the BCFD.

Tips to avoid funeral home scam:

If you receive a call you think may be a scam hang up and call the funeral home directly.Do not provide any personal or bank information for you or a family member over the phone.


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