I can’t imagine a cooler scenario.
I’m on a flight that has to make an emergency landing at a remote airport. That’s not the cool part. But imagine it happens to you. Pretty scary, right? Then you find out you have to wait for hours until another plane can get you out of there.
But wait, here comes the cool part. Keanu Reeves comes to save the day!
It happened to some lucky folks in California over the weekend. According to Yahoo! Movies, a United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles had to make an emergency landing in Bakersfield.
Various social media accounts documented what happened next. Notorious good guy Keanu Reeves just happened to be a passenger on the diverted flight and took charge, gathering up a posse of stranded passengers to go on a road trip to Los Angeles!
One woman posted a montage of Reeves organizing the road trip with his fellow stranded passengers, beginning with him laying out the situation of possibly having to wait for three hours for their bags, or coming with him on a road trip and dealing with their bags later.
No question, right? It’s time to hit the road with Keanu!
keanu got stranded somewhere in california and had to take a bus instead of a plane and some guy filmed the entire experience and i am BEGGING yall to watch this pic.twitter.com/I1TmLOEYiK— ᴄ ᴀ ᴛ (@keanusgf) March 24, 2019
The Twitter user @keanusgf documented the road trip, featuring Keanu reading the van facts about Bakersfield, playing some Bakersfield music and the stopping for a snack of Gatorade and a banana.
Eventually, just as magically as it all began, it was over with Keanu saying goodbye and then walking off into the sunset. Actually, it was a Carl’s Jr., but it may as well have been a sunset.
That time when your flight out from #GDC almost crashes and you have to emergency land in a remote airport but at least Keanu Reeves is having as bad a day as you are. pic.twitter.com/XSPa1wlNuO— Amir Blum (Unboxed) (@CheesyJedi) March 24, 2019
What a cool guy, huh? Here’s more awesomeness from Keanu in the latest trailer for John Wick 3 and then an announcement that he’ll be back for Bill and Ted 3!