Residents see decrease in speed with new warning signs in Bozeman


BOZEMAN, Mont. – The Bozeman Police Department is adding radar traffic signals in an effort to curb speeding in local neighborhoods this summer after continued concern from residents.

“What’s your hurry? Don’t risk a child’s life, anyone’s life just to get where you’re going a little faster,” Mary Hunter, Church Avenue resident, said.

Hunter said people don’t pay attention to the regular signage, but since the new message has gone up, the speeding has actually slowed down.

Neighbors worked with the city and Western Transportation Institute to get the road painted and to get new planter boxes out. Those two things combined have made a huge difference.

“We and our neighbors really appreciate any reminder to drivers that there’s pedestrians here and it’s dangerous to go fast. So we’re delighted to have this sign,” Hunter said. “Anything that gets people to think, ‘I need to watch out.'”


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