Registration open for KPD’s Citizen’s Academy


KENNEWICK, Wash. – Registration is now open for the Kennewick Police Department’s Citizens Academy which teaches attendees about police operations and gives attendees access to police training.

The five week class is limited to 25 students and takes place on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. from April 15 to May 23.

Topics in the academy include:

Hands-on police trainingPatrol procedures and traffic enforcementDetectives and narcoticsEvidence collection and crime scene investigationsCAT and SWAT teamsFirearmsK-9 and youth servicesA tour of the Benton County Jail and Coroner’s OfficeVolunteer program

Citizens who complete the program can also be accepted into the Citizens Helping In Police Services (CHIPS) volunteer program to further support the KPD when needed.

Community members can sign up online on the City of Kennewick website.


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