Public invited to meet Richland police chief candidates


RICHLAND, Wash. – The community is invited to a candidate reception in Richland to meet the final two candidates for the city’s next police chief.

The reception is at the Richland City Hall Council Chambers located at 625 Swift Blvd from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 9.

The two candidates will be introduced at the event at the start, then members of the community will be given an opportunity to interact with the candidates.

The reception is the result of a months-long search for a new police chief. The job opening was initially announced in November and applicants were reviewed, interviewed and whittled down to two finalists by January.

“We are excited to welcome the candidates for police chief to our city,” said City Manager Jon Amundson. “I am encouraged by the robust search process conducted by WASPC and the quality of applicants who applied.”

The nationwide recruitment effort to find the final two candidates was done in partnership with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC).


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