Public asked to comment on I-90 safety, connectivity between Easton and Cle Elum


KITTITAS COUNTY, Wash.-The public is invited to provide feedback on traffic safety and connectivity on I-90 between Easton and Cle Elum.

Safety Transportation Environment Equity Resiliency (STEER) I-90 is asking for community input concerning alternatives being analyzed for the stretch of Interstate based on criteria from a previous community survey.

According to its website, STEER I-90 works to reduce accidents, improve circulation and improve infrastructure on the heavily travelled stretch of I-90 between Easton and Cle Elum.

STEER I-90 works with local stakeholders to raise federal dollars for infrastructure projects, such as the I-90 project and residents will have two opportunities to provide input, both in-person or online.

Graphic informational boards will be available at the open houses, with members of the technical team present to explain what is being considered, according to a Kittitas County press release.

Public Webinar:

Thursday, Feb. 20: via “Zoom” from 6-7 p.m.

In-person open house:

Friday, Feb. 28: Cle Elum Senior Center from 6-8 p.m.


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