Project Goodwill Fashion Show 2023


PASCO, Wash. – Project Goodwill is a competitive fashion show where local high school students get to compete for prize money to support the club they represent. Nine teams showed off their Y2k looks at the Red Lion Hotel in Pasco on May 10.

Each school’s team had the opportunity to create three outfits from clothing and other materials found at the Goodwill Outlet store.

Each of those three outfits competed in a different category; paper creation, donation box creation and off the rack creation.

During the show students not only get the chance to earn money, but they also get to showcase their talents as designers.

Marcy Wasney, the Senior Manager of Special Projects for the Goodwill Industries of the Columbia, says “We put it together so we can share with students what Goodwill actually does, we are so much more than a thrift store.”

HAPO Community Credit Union sponsored the event and awarded the winning teams their prizes at the end of the night.


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