A couple in Pennsylvania, is breathing a sigh of relief thanks to their rescue dog, Edgar, who saved their three kids from a possible kidnapping.
Thom Lambert says late last month his daughters, ages, three, six and eight were sound asleep in their beds When Edgar, their four-year-old rescue dog, started acting very strangely.
“It was like a growl, like, howl with that mixed at the same time,” Lambert said.
Lambert, says the dog was on edge, barking and growling and unable to calm down. It wasn’t until he got the dog to stop barking that he realized someone was inside their home.
Lambert immediately called 911 but police weren’t able to find the intruder.
“Without Edgar, genuinely who knows, like genuinely, who knows where our daughters would be right now. Our family was one hundred percent rescued by our dog that we rescued.”
A few days after the incident at the Lambert’s house, police arrested 20-year-old Thomas Dewald. Dewald is accused of abducting another 4-year-old girl and hiding her in a wooden box under his bed.
The girl somehow managed to escape and police believe after the girl ran off,
Dewald went on the prowl searching for another child to kidnap.
police believe Dewald is the same man who broke into the Lambert’s house
but was scared off by “Edgar” the dog.