Paddleboarder saves stranded deer chased by dog into sea


By James Gamble via SWNS

This is the bizarre moment a hero paddleboarder saved a DEER from drowning after it was chased into the sea by a dog.

Shocked witnesses watched as the helpless animal struggled to keep its head above the waves at Cleethorpes, Lincs.

The deer was dragged further out to sea by the current until a paddleboarder came to its rescue.

Onlooker Bruce Martin filmed the incredible scenes which unfolded on Saturday (27/4) morning.

Bruce said: “Apparently a dog had chased the poor thing into the sea.

“Apparently deer are good swimmers, but it was a long way out and the tide was receding.

“The boarder just lept into action and paddled out to the deer and got it on to his board and pulled it in.

“He then placed it in the wooded area out of sight.”

Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue was alerted to the animal and they came and found it and said it is making a good recovery.


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