Outdoor workers now better protected from summer heat


WASHINGTON- Outdoor workers now have new guidelines in place to protect against heat related illnesses during the summer, and all year round.

The Department of Labor and Industries announced new rules for outdoor work including cool-down periods, acclimation periods and providing shade and water.

It’s a move three years in the making, since a petition was created following the 2020 heat dome.

“It is kinda unique where we had these emergency rules in place and changes happening during a period where we were conducting rule making,” said Division of Occupational Safety and Health’s Ryan Allen. “I think that’s just the uniqueness of the hazard of heat.”

With the strain of a longer work schedule and a tight window to work through the seasons, construction and farm workers were a focus in making these rules permanent.

“These workers are some of our most vulnerable workers out there and they are working traditionally greater than eight hours a day,” said Allen.

Before the new rules took effect on July 17, outdoor workers were granted protections for only part of the year. The new guidelines removes the timeframe and grants protections anytime the temperature is over 80 degrees.

Leaving the protections open to the weather allows outdoor workers the chance to avoid heat related illnesses, as most days, they can’t afford to put off work.”

“You still have to get done what needs to be done,” said Ken Kilseimer, a farmer at Selah Ridge Lavender Farms. “You can afford to push some of it off but it’s mostly just about making smart choices as far as the temperature goes.”

Employers will need to provide new employees or anyone returning from a 14-day absence a chance to acclimate to the weather conditions. All workers are to be closely monitored during heat waves to ensure everyone’s safety.

“I think it’s a must,” said Kilseimer. “The people that are doing the work whether it’s the owners or the employee, it’s important that they’re protected.”


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