Olympic Judo athlete teaches local kids in seminar



Getting to the Olympics in judo can be challenging with close to 200 countries being a part of the International Judo Federation.

For Nefeli Papadakis, who competed on Team USA in 2020, it was a dream come true.

Now she trains students in seminars and private lessons and said she has plans to start up her own dojo near where she grew up in the Chicago area.

“I think one of the things that I enjoy the most is letting them know that I get it guys, I’m not – you know, I was there, I was nine years old too! I did the same thing,” she said.

Sophia Lechuga is nine years old and a champion in her own right and ranks number one in the nation for her category.

She said Papadakis inspired her to start doing judo when she started 3 years ago and trains with Papadakis while she’s in town.

“It’s really cool because the person that, that I wanted to get into judo for, and now I get to train with her,” Lechuga said.

Papadakis says it’s that it’s fun to see the community that forms around judo wherever she goes.

“I love that I’m homegrown and that I can shed that light and make-inspire other kids,” she said.


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