Nursing home residents get flappy when penguins visit


By Ashley Pemberton via SWNS

Care home residents were in a real flap when they were visited by two adorable Humboldt penguins.

The beautiful birds – name Pringle and Widget – entertained residents of Bernadette House care home in Lincoln as part of its animal therapy program.

Staff says those living with dementia have a special connection with animals due to their calming and non-threatening demeanour.

Thrilled resident Jean Williams said: “They’re beautiful creatures. I can’t believe how soft their feathers are. It has been a real treat.”

The penguins – from Heythrop Zoological Gardens in Oxfordshire – had previously entertained residents in 2019.

The event was so popular that care home director Elizabeth Stephens got back in touch with the zoo to arrange another,

Elizabeth, who has previously organized visits from squirrel monkeys, alpacas and spring lambs, said: “The penguins’ first visit was in response to a wish by a resident to meet a penguin.

“Photographs from the visit are displayed around the home and current residents often ask when they too can meet a penguin.

“It’s a fantastic way for those living with dementia to reconnect with past memories and enjoy a mentally stimulating and joyful experience.

“And of course, the staff had a wonderful time too!”


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