Numerica offering $10,000 in scholarships


KENNEWICK, Wash.- Numerica Credit Union is helping high school seniors start their higher education on the right foot. The Starting Off Right Scholarship is open to seniors planning to enroll in a trade, vocational, certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree program in the fall.

The scholarship is Numerica’s effort in supporting the investment that higher education represents.

“With student debt, more than 43 million Americans owe money on student loans,” said Tracey Taylor, V.P of Retail Experience. “Student load debt has now reached $1.75 trillion here in the United States and so now Numerica is helping address those costs. It fits right into our core purpose of enhancing lives, fulfilling dreams and building communities.”

The Starting Off Right Scholarhip will help 10 students with $1,000 to fund their education.

Applications are open through April 30 and applicants must be a Numerica Credit Union member.


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