Nonprofit Spotlight: Wake Up Nation Foundation


TRI-CITIES, Wash.- Wake Up Nation Foundation is a nonprofit aimed at empowering the future leaders of America. Wake Up Nation provides scholarships, or “empowerships” for leadership growth opportunities that students find, but can’t necessarily afford.

“We’ve sent students over seas, we’ve sent students across the country, we’ve sent students to leadership conferences,” said Isaac Butts, President of Wake Up Nation.

Wake Up Nation’s goal is to create equal opportunities for students.

“Everybody comes from different backgrounds, everybody is struggling in different ways so we are here to try to uplift and put kids to the next level,” said Butts.

According to Butts, their vision is to help kids step into their dream and find their purpose.

“People believed in me, people gave me opportunities,” said Butts. “As an organization we really want to be that voice and that push for the future leaders of America.”

Students looking to apply for an “Empowership” can apply online.


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