Non-Profit serves a struggling Spokane couple some love through a volleyball tournament Saturday


A Spokane couple is battling substantial medical bills, between the two of them they’ve had fourteen surgeries, and more are coming up this summer. A local non-profit, Spike2Care, is raising money for them, but you’ll need your kneepads.

This Saturday at EWU, a volleyball tournament, called Marinos Madness, is getting ready to serve some love Patty and Chris Marinos’ way. Patty Marinos told KHQ that eight years ago, she was battling stage four kidney cancer, and thought she had four months to live. Now, she’s out of her wheelchair, and doing what she loves, volunteering. But this time, the community is giving back to her and her husband.

Spike2Care host’s tournaments for people struggling, but this one is a little different. You can pay to take players out for a rotation, and if your teammate misses their serve, but you really need that point, they can pay to re-do it. There’s going to be an auction, a raffle, and 100% of the donations go right back to this couple.

“For Chris and I, it’s not about the dollar amount that’s coming in, but it’s the love and support. When you’re going through tough times, whether it’s medically, or whatever the reason is, that you have this group of friends that you can lean on,” Patty Marinos said.

If you haven’t played in a while, don’t worry, because the tournament matches everyone up randomly. But you’ll want to sign up today, because spots are limited.

It’s $30 to play, and you can sign up here.