Newly discovered crocodile-like reptile lived millions of years before dinosaurs


By Stephen Beech via SWNS

A new crocodile-like reptile that lived millions of years before the first dinosaurs have been discovered in Brazil.

The predator, dubbed Parvosuchus aurelioi and part of a group of reptiles called pseudosuchians, lived around 237 million years ago, during the Middle-Late Triassic period.

Paleontologist Dr. Rodrigo Muller says it is the first small predatory reptile of its kind to be found in Brazil.

He explained that prior to the dominance of the dinosaurs, pseudosuchians were a common form of ancient quadruped reptile during the Triassic Period, with some species amongst the largest carnivores of the time.

Smaller pseudosuchians known as gracilisuchids lived alongside those apex predators.

Dr. Muller, of The Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, says the new species of gracilisuchid was found in the Santa Maria Formation.

He said: “This animal belongs to an extremely rare group in the fossil record.

“Until now, there were only three species worldwide: one in Argentina and two in China.

“The partial skeleton dates to approximately 237 million years ago and consists of a complete skull including the lower jaw, 11 dorsal vertebrae, a pelvis, and partially preserved limbs.”

He named the new species Parvosuchus Aurelio, which derives from “pause (small) and “success” (crocodile) and honors the amateur paleontologist Pedro Lucas Porcela Aurélio, who discovered the fossil materials.

Dr. Muller said: “The skull measures 14.4 centimeters in length and features long slender jaws with pointed teeth that curve backward and several skull openings.

“The skeleton is lightly built and estimated to be less than one meter long in total length.”

He added: “These features classify P. aurelioi as a gracilisuchid, which makes it the first species from this group to be confirmed in Brazil.”

Dr. Muller says the findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, highlight the diversity among pseudosuchians in the Triassic period.


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