New national civics bee underway for Washington middle school students



National Civics Bee, being held across Washington beginning with an essay contest that is underway now and in-person competitions this spring. Prizes total up to $1,500.

The statewide competition in Seattle and local competitions across the state are being sponsored by the Association of Washington Business (AWB) and regional Chambers of Commerce.

The Civics Bee will inspire middle schoolers to become better informed about American democracy, to engage respectfully and constructively in the community, and to learn how to be active participants in public life according to a press release announcing the civics bee.

“We need young people to be engaged in their communities and civic conversation,” said AWB President Kris Johnson.

Middle school students from public, private, charter, and home schools are invited to take part in the first-round civics essay competition, with essays due by Feb. 24. The essay prompt is “Identify a problem facing your community. How might you solve the problem?”

According to the press release panelists will review the 500-word essays and the top 20 students will be selected to move on to the final round of competition. The finalists and top winners will receive various prizes, including $500 cash for the first-place student.

The contest is open to all sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students in Washington. They should take part in their closest local chamber competition.

Local Chamber Competitions:

Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce (April 22)Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber (May 4)Greater Spokane Inc (Date to be determined)

The statewide finals will be held June 1 at The Museum of Flight in Seattle.

“It’s not about politics, it’s about understanding the civic process and being engaged in your rights and responsibilities as a citizen,” Johnson said.


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