Moment firefighters give dog oxygen after house blaze


By Adam Dutton via SWNS

This is the adorable moment firefighters gave a dog oxygen after a house blaze.

Emergency crews raced to a semi-detached property in Oswestry, Shropshire, after the alarm was raised at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9.

On arrival, firefighters rescued an 80-year-old man and his 15-year-old dog inside the smoke-filled house.

Pictures taken by Oswestry Fire Station show the black pooch being treated for smoke inhalation.

A firefighter can be seen placing an oxygen mask over the animal’s nose and mouth following the blaze which broke out in the bedroom.

Luckily, both the dog and his owner have made a full recovery.

A fire service spokesperson said: “Firefighters used breathing apparatus, a covering jet, a hosereel jet, and thermal imaging cameras to tackle the fire located in the bedroom.

“An 80-year-old male was assessed for smoke inhalation by trained personnel and paramedics.

“Additionally, a 15-year-old dog was given oxygen after suffering from smoke inhalation.

“Both owner and dog have made a full recovery.”

The fire service highlighted the importance of people having working smoke alarms fitted in their homes.


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