Local school districts have high COVID-19 cases and staffing shortages


YAKIMA & TRI-CITIES, WA – Local school districts have been seeing a rise in COVID-19 cases and have been experiencing staffing shortages.

COVID-19 cases with children in Washington have risen this past month.

According to the Department of Health there was 11,356 cases for children ages 0 to 19 that tested positive for COVID-19.

14 to 19 year old’s had the highest case rates.

In 2021 there was 11 children in Washington who died from the virus.

Looking at our local school districts, Yakima School District had 392 students quarantine in the last 7 days and 142 students tested positive for COVID-19 with 57 staff test positive.

“We have not reverted to online school this year nor do we plan to do so” said The Yakima School District. “Of course, if that becomes the recommendation of the local health district we will take their advisement seriously.”

The Sunnyside School District did not provide their COVID-19 numbers for staff or students but they did provide a statement saying “At this time, the only reason we would switch to remote learning due to covid-19 is if we were required to by our local or state health organizations” said the Sunnyside School District. “This has not happened at any of our schools since students returned to in-person learning in late fall of 2020.”

The Kennewick School District said that they are experiencing high numbers of absences from both students and staff, “At this time, we are covering absences with a combination of substitutes and other staff members in the building” said Kennewick School District. “Everyone is helping out to ensure we can continue to keep the schools running as normally as possible. We are grateful for the flexibility and patience everyone has shown during this time.”

Prosser School District said at the high school they had 15 students and staff test positive, 14 positive for heights and KRV 2nd grade and 7 test positive for KRV kinder and 1st grade.

The Pasco School District provided a statement saying, “We are doing everything possible to keep kids learning in person and are confident that our mitigation strategies are effective.”

Toppenish School District posted today on Facebook that they are cutting their quarantine period in half as part of the new state guidance released by The Department of Health.

All of the schools said they do not plan on going to online learning anytime soon and they are able to fill staffing shortages with substitutes or other staff on campuses.


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