Local organization invites the community to honor the lives of lost loved ones


GRANDVIEW, Wash.- Heartlinks would like to support grieving community members by inviting those who’ve lost a loved one in the last year to gather for an ‘Evening of Remembrance.’

According to Heartlinks, the public is invited to attend one of three memorial services on Thursday, May 30, from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in Grandview, Richland, and Yakima. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect, remember, and honor those who’ve left an impact on their lives.

Executive Director Shelby Moore explains, “If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, attending Heartlinks’ Evening of Remembrance will provide a meaningful and supportive experience,” she goes on to say, “This night offers a unique opportunity to connect with others who are navigating similar grief. The evening promises to be a significant step in your journey of grief and healing.”

To learn more about this event, click here.


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