Local fire department shares tips on what to do when fires start indoors


KENNEWICK, Wash. – The Kennewick Fire Department shared some reminders on what to do and how to keep yourself safe when stuck in a building that is on fire.

KFD says to drop to the floor and crawl under as heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling.

Before opening any doors, be sure to feel the doorknob and door. If either is hot or if there is smoke coming through the door, leave it closed and find a different way out.

If you open a door, open it slowly and be prepared to shut it quickly if heavy amounts of smoke or fire is present.

KFD says that if you can’t get out, close and cover doors and vents to prevent smoke from filling the room. Call 911, say where you are in the house and signal for help at a window with light colored cloth or a flashlight.

If someone else or a pet is trapped, leave the home and call 911 or tell firefighters immediately.

Lastly, if your clothes catch on fire, KFD says to stop immediately, drop to the ground while covering your face and roll over and over until the fire is out. If you cannot stop, drop and roll, cover flames with a blanket or towel then use cool water to treat a burn immediately for three to five minutes.


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