Local agencies participate in 3-day nuclear emergency exercise


RICHLAND, Wash. – The Washington Emergency Management Division of the Washington Military Department and several local agencies tested their skills in a three-day nuclear emergency exercise in March that spanned the state and several partners.

A drill took place at the Columbia Generating Station around 10 miles north of Richland and near the Hanford Site. The station is the only commercial nuclear energy facility in the northwest and the third largest generator of electricity in Washington.

Agencies practiced what happens if a radiation release were to occur. The situation requires serious training and strict procedures.

This exercise was a more advanced exercise graded by FEMA done every eight years. The exercise was a success, per the Military Department, as no major issues were found.

Local participants in the drill included Benton County, Franklin County, Walla Walla County, Adams County, Grant County and Yakima County. Some agencies in Oregon also participated.

The Washington Military Department also notes that both Franklin County and Benton County do regular outreach with citizens with information on evacuation routes and emergency planning zones. Emergency sirens in the area are also regularly tested.

More information about the exercise can be found on the Washington Military Department website.


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