Life Coach Reveals 8 Ways To Improve Life Satisfaction


A recent Gallup poll finds only 47% of Americans who say they’re “very satisfied” with their lives, the lowest percentage since 2012. Worldwide, the United States ranks 23rd in Gallup’s World Happiness Report.

Why does America lag behind the Western world in happiness, and how can we change it?

Defining Happiness

Gallup’s annual survey determines national happiness levels using the Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. The scale asks people to rate their lives by thinking of a ladder — the top rung, a 10, represents the best possible life for them, while the bottom rung, a zero, represents the worst.

Respondents rate their life satisfaction levels by choosing one of 11 rungs.

Finland scored highest, with citizens scoring near the eighth rung, while U.S. respondents rated themselves, on average, a 6.7.

What Makes People Happy

Happiness is a mindset, a state of being, an emotion, and a lifestyle all at once.

Even psychologists and anthropologists disagree on the true meaning of happiness, so it’s challenging to create a standard definition.

The confusion lies in its complexity. Happiness isn’t one thing; there is no standard way to find it. Instead, it comes from complex interactions among multiple aspects of life, ranging from emotional wellness to cultural expectations to genetics.

How To Be More Satisfied with Your Life

The good news? Individuals can make changes that enhance life satisfaction. As a certified happiness life coach, I’ve developed tips for helping people enjoy more out of life.

Here are eight ways to find more satisfaction every day.

Engage in Hobbies

Our hobbies are all about us. They help us self-actualize and give us something to do that’s not about making money or taking care of others.

We need that.

Hobbies provide a creative outlet, improve mental health, and enhance overall life satisfaction. If you don’t have a hobby, now is the time to explore your interests.

Enjoy Simple Pleasures

Though we all wait anxiously for our next big moment, most of our life consists of the little things. Learn to enjoy them.

Embrace simple pleasures like smelling the flowers, indulging in a warm cup of tea, or playing with a beloved pet. These moments make up life, so put your phone down and be present while partaking.

Prioritize Self Care

We can’t pour from an empty cup. Self-care helps us recharge so we’re ready to tackle the day ahead.

Practicing self-care ensures you have the energy to enjoy the good things in life and the bandwidth to overcome challenges.

Invest in Yourself

The best investment you can make is in yourself. Investing in yourself shows confidence; you know you’re worth the time, money, and effort. It allows you to reach heights you never knew were possible.

Although investing in your financial future is part of it, it’s not just about money. You can invest in yourself by learning new skills, seeking help, challenging yourself, and achieving your life goals.

Practice Gratitude

Acknowledging all the good things in our lives helps us appreciate what we have. Starting a gratitude practice forces us to look at all our blessings, helping us realize that our lives are pretty good.

Every day, list three things you’re thankful for — indoor plumbing, a healthy body, your favorite pet, or something you like about yourself.

The more you make gratitude a habit, the more positive you will be about your life.

Stay True To Your Values

Overall satisfaction suffers when we don’t stay true to ourselves. Many who followed society’s rules and did what they thought they should now feel trapped in a life that doesn’t serve them.

Life satisfaction comes from staying true to yourself. Live in accordance with your values, hopes, dreams, and desires. Stop living the life people want for you and start living the life you want.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

People thrive when they have satisfying relationships with family and friends. Invite an old friend for coffee, call your mom, or take your kids to the park.

Spending more time in the company of loved ones boosts overall life satisfaction.

Challenge Yourself

Stagnation destroys happiness. If you want a satisfying life, you can’t just accept what comes; go out and get what you want.

Step out of your comfort zone and reach for the stars. Set lofty goals and strive to achieve them.

The happiest people never stop setting and achieving new goals; they know satisfaction comes not from reaching the endpoint but from learning and growing on the journey.

Satisfaction is Within Reach

Spend more time on activities that boost happiness and less on things that don’t matter. When more Americans learn to do that, we’ll ascend the Cantril Scale and become the happiest country in the world.


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