Levies in Finley could help with technology, staffing


FINLEY, Wash.–Finley School District could receive extra funding from taxpayers that would go toward staffing and technology.

FSD is asking voters to approve an educational program and operations levy, and superintendent Bryan Long said it would help the district run its schools smoothly.

Right now, he said the schools do not have enough financial support to do so.

If passed, the EP&O levy is expected to bring in $2 million to provide staffing support and a second levy is expected to bring $200,000 for technological purposes.

“Without those levy dollars, those staffing supports go away, and it just would put a significant hardship on our system to be able to keep functioning schools as we know it,” he said.

That second levy would help ease current financial struggles regarding necessary technology such as replacing chromebooks, WiFi points and servers across the district, he said.

Long said he is proud of each student in the district and their eagerness and willingness to learn, which is why the levies are so crucial.

“In order for that to continue, we need to provide the support that folks before provided us as we were coming up through school systems,” he said. “It takes a willing community to keep schools thriving and that’s the best part about a levy, is that it takes all of us to make it happen.”

The levies need a 50% plus one vote to pass, and would then go into effect in April 2026.

“We’re excited to see the community partner with us as we keep teaching great things in our system,” Long said.

Voters will receive their pamphlets at the end of January and will have two weeks to cast their votes before the window closes on February 11.


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