Kennewick School District board passes resolution opposing 2 education bills


KENNEWICK, Wash. – The Kennewick School District Board unanimously passed a resolution opposing two Washington education bills making their way through the Senate.

The first bill is HB2331, which states that school boards can’t refuse to approve or ban instructional materials, like books, related to a protected class.

The second bill is ESB 5462. This bill states it would require school districts to adopt policies and procedures, including the histories and contributions of marginalized or underrepresented groups.

Many angry community members, parents, and former school teachers at this meeting were upset with the board’s proposal.

Gabe Galbraith, the President of the KSD School Board, said the reason for the board’s resolution is to keep local education decisions in the hands of local school boards.

Galbraith said the two bills would restrict what Kennewick schools can teach.

“We’re just asking the state not to mandate curriculum,” said Galbraith. “Those things we spend our time going through this entire long process. Instructional process to make an approval on it. We’re just asking that they don’t encroach on that.”

Aaron Beasley is one of the many who opposed the KSD resolution. Beasley said he used to be a Pasco School Board member. Beasley said his daughters have gone through the KSD, and now his granddaughters are going through it.

He said KSD needs to slow down and research more.

“This looks like four people wanted it their way,” Beasley said. “Not listening to the public.”

Beasley said, in his opinion, what the vote did was tell minorities like LGBTQ kids they won’t be listened to or cared about.

Mike Connors was the KSD board member who didn’t vote because he objected to the arrangement of the last minute meeting.

This is just a resolution and doesn’t impact the curriculum or legislation. This voices the view of the KSD to the state legislature.


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